
there's the gal who has managed to tell all about her- self to 3 GG's who work at the office. The report is that all 3 show more affection, admiration and respect to- wards our friend than they ever did before they knew. The step was taken after establishing a solid image of productivity and top performance in the job...our friend is now the proud possessor of dresses, skirts, and various lovely items donated by the GG's to their new "girl-friend" The GG's are married gals and have developed a strong interest for the subject of TVism, all 3 are indoctrinating their husbands into a healthy understanding of the matter. They seem to be just regular guys without TV tendencies.

There's also going around, the trick played by a TV on 2 dedicated missionaries, members of a well known religious organization whose only sin is to preach and make converts. Our TV friend, upon being repeatedly pestered over the phone, and after a brief meeting with the missionaries in question, agreed to let them try to convert his "sister". The appointment was made and the missionaries (both young men) found themselves facing the toughest challenge of their lives in the person of a rather sexy, short-skirted female, who was deter- mined to shock their religious sensibility by giving all the wrong answers and pretending to be much more inter- ested in their inaniy looks than in the subject at hand.. result...their mission collapsed as our heroine happily extolled the joys of her widowhood and her ceaseless rounds of the night-club circuit....the test proved successful inasmuch as the 2 missionaries are still phoning, trying for a second attempt to conversion. But our heroine has decided not to push her luck too far.. and is now definitely not available..

This seems to be all for now..see you at the resort or in the next issue.





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